Aol Mail

Aol Mail

AOL Mail is a popular email service provider that people use to send and manage their emails. Email continues to be perhaps the most popular form of communicating online. That’s why it’s important to provide an easy way for AOL Mail users to share your website content with their AOL Mail account. Using Monarch, you can easily create an AOL Mail Share Button that allows users to share your content on their AOL Mail, giving you another avenue to grow your audience.

Aol Mail

Integration Documentation

How To Use The Aol Mail Social Sharing Integration

This is a free integration that comes built in to Monarch. You can easily connect to your Aol Mail account to display social share counts and promote social sharing using Monarch's floating social sharing buttons, pop-ups, fly-ins and more. Certain social networks require you to authenticate your account before you can display social sharing counts. For more information, please referring to the Monarch documentation.

Integration Documentation

Social Sharing

It's Easy Build Your Social Following With Divi And Promote Social Sharing With Monarch

Divi makes it easy to build your social following using the Social Follow module. Send your visitors to your social profiles by placing social follow buttons in your header or footer. Monarch makes it easy to promote social sharing activity on your website using floating social sharing buttons, social sharing pop-ups and more!

Get Divi & Monarch Today

Explore More Social Sharing Integrations

Using Monarch, you can display social sharing buttons in a variety of formats. Get more traffic by encouraging your visitors to share your content. Divi also makes it easy to link to your social profiles using the social follow module.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this integration included free with my Divi membership?

    Yes, this integration is a free part of Divi. Divi has been built to integrate with Aol Mail out of the box! For more information about how to use this integration, please refer to the documentation section above.

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